Uganda’s New Lower Secondary School Curriculum was declared on February 18th, 2020 by the Minister Of Education and Sports; Janet Kataha Museveni. The Old Curriculum was implemented by the British in 1918 in England. No major changes had been applied to the Education deliverance model ever since.
The article contains the information on the major changes in the Curriculum. For example the significant drop in the number of subjects offered in Senior One from 43 to 21. Switching mode of delivery from teacher based systems to learner based systems like work integration models. Also deliverance of a more practical workbook that prepares students for work and further studies in a fast changing world.
Are you curious to find out what inspired the change in the curriculum, the subjects added and how the ministry of education and sports is implementing this system. Dive in the content below!
Curriculum Frameworks and Subjects
Instead of the traditional science subjects ,chemistry, biology and physics. Learners with special; learning needs will substitute those subjects with General science.
Political education and Kiswahili are the two major additions to the compulsory subjects in the new lower secondary curriculum (senior one and senior two).The rest of the compulsories include; English, mathematics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, entrepreneurship, physical and religious education.
The electives or options include; Agriculture, fine art and design, technology and design, food and nutrition, literature in English. The local languages choices are Luganda and other nine others that have Study Content approved by the Ministry of Education and Sports. The foreign languages in the electives are French, German, Chinese, Arabic and many others.
Key Activities in the New curriculum
One of the key features of the new curriculum is the shift from a teacher based system to a learner based system. Library and internet use are one of the major identifiers of the new curriculum. All learners must have content on a topic before showing up for lessons. Learners utilize Text Books, Encyclopedias and the internet as the major sources of information.
Project-Based learning
Unlike the old curriculum where learning was more theoretical than practical, this new curriculum focuses on how students on how students can apply their knowledge to solve societal problems. The project questions utilize driving, challenging and engaging questions. The teacher provides different project questions to the learners and they are required to go and make research, design models providing a product or service to the community.
The new curriculum focuses on providing learners with the necessary skills for a rapidly changing world. Some of these skills include; communication, presentation and listening skills. Students get to share knowledge on various discussion sand topics through in-and out debate events. For example, students can be required to discuss a topic about “The Impacts of AI in Education Sector”.
Students are now required to join at least one or more multiple clubs in schools. The major reason is to foster a sense of connection and develop their communication and social skills. Club activities are dedicated a special sessions about three to five a week. Popular clubs in schools include; Scripture Union in Religious Education, Farmers Club in Agriculture, Health Club in Physical Education and many others. There are strong marking points in Games and Sports as these allow engagement and fitness.
Reasons for the introduction of new curriculum in Uganda
Outdated Content
The content of some subjects as per old curriculum had lost value. In Geography, Kongwa Irrigation Scheme in Tanzania popularly known for Banana Growth and Gezira Irrigation Scheme in Sudan showed up in topics concerning the Nile and Irrigation. When you visit the locations today, they are no where to be seen. Hence the need for a new curriculum that aligns with the current global trends.
The Physics old curriculum involved the study of diodes. According to today’s technological trends, they have been pushed out of the market and are no longer manufactured. Making them irrelevant. In this same subject, students used to study three states of matter.(Solids, Liquids, Gases). Though today, there are about seven states of matter meaning the old curriculum focuses more on the history of science rather than the science itself.
Learner Based System
The old curriculum focused more on equipping students with facts and little emphasis on skills through a teacher spoon feeding the students. The powers of learning now belong to the students from the teachers in this curriculum. It focuses more on developing students with practical knowledge to solve general life problems. This system ensures that the students do most off the work and the teacher’s main job is to build on the learner’s research.
The introduction of the new curriculum has accompanied numerous improvements in the Uganda’s education sector generally. It helps the learner to acquire the 21st-century skills, the workers readiness skills and mind development. Students get to develop skills needed in today’s day-to-day life skills like proper communication, engagement skills and many skills needed for further education and the working sector. What is your say in this new education system in Uganda’s Lower Secondary? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
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